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Settlement Statistics as on 11-Sep-2024
Segment Settlement Value (in Rs. Crore)
Funds Securities
Capital 8,815.17 28,554.03
Equity Derivatives 1,400.17 -
Currency Derivatives 3.01 -
Debt - -
Securities Lending and Borrowing 0.7 150.5
Corporate Bond (Reporting)* 5,511.46 5,372.55
Commercial Paper (Reporting)* 6,376.82 6,405.00
Certificate of Deposit (Reporting)* 7,628.57 7,705.00
GSEC Settlement 11.54 10.95

Note: For CM segment, settlement details are published for settlement type 'N' and 'W' and includes settlement data of deals pertaining to series IL and BL. *Security settlement value expressed in terms of face value.

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